EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

About Course
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) aims to combat global deforestation by ensuring that products placed on the EU market are not associated with deforested land or forest degradation. It requires companies to conduct due diligence, trace supply chains, and provide proof of compliance with environmental sustainability standards.
Course Content
Module 1- Introduction & Background of EUDR
Introduction & Background of EUDR
Module 2- Key drivers of EUDR
Module 3- Objectives of EUDR
Module 4- Timeline of EUDR
Module 5 -Who does the EUDR apply to
Module 6- Combined Nomenclature
Module 7- Scope, Products covered under EUDR
Module 8- Is wooden packaging covered by the EUDR?
Module 9- Does Recycled paper/paper board fall under the scope?
Module 10- What about products composed of materials marketed during the transition period?
Module 11- How does the regulation apply to composite goods?
Module 12- How does the regulation apply to operators doing exports?
Module 13- Challenges of EUDR
Module 14- Due Diligence
Module 15- Traceability
Module 16- Reporting Obligations
Module 17- The Deforestation Due Diligence Registry & Information System
Module 18- Entry into Force and Date of Application
Module 19- Enforcement and Penalties
Module 20- How Global PCCS can help?
Module 21- Key Takeaways
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